criminal trespass in the lobby of Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
today. They are: Ed Bloomer, 62, Des Moines Catholic Worker, Kirk Brown, 29, former Catholic Worker of Waukee, Iowa, Rev. Robert Cook, 66, Des Moines, Iowa, Frank Cordaro, 58, Des Moines Catholic Worker, Renee Espeland, 48, Des Moines Catholic Worker, Christine Gaunt, 50, Grinnell, Iowa, Mona Shaw, 58, Des Moines Catholic Worker, Leonard Simons, 67, Athol, MA
Frankie Hughes, 11, Des Moines Catholic Worker

9 min Youtube Video of Nine Arrested for
"Healthcare for All" at Wellmark Inc, DM IA
"Healthcare for All" at Wellmark Inc, DM IA
Video by
Rodger Routh
Nine people were arrested at Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield demanding
financial transparency Monday July 27th. Eight of those arrested,
including four DMCWers were charged with criminal trespass. Eleven
year old DMCWer Frankie Hughes was turned over to the Juvenile Court.
Those arrested were part of a group of about forty that filled the
lobby at Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield to "hold Wellmark accountable
for the suffering denying claims and coverage of Iowans." The group
walked to the lobby after a 1:00 p.m. Rally in Nollen Plaza on Monday,
July 27, 2009. When the group arrived, several Wellmark employees as
well as several police officers were waiting in place. Frank Cordaro,
a member of the group asked to see John Forsyth CEO of Wellmark, Inc.
to ask him for the corporate information they had requested weeks
earlier by letter. Then the group read a statement that included the
comment, "It is our moral responsibility, as involved residents of
Iowa, including previous and current policy holders, to examine and
evaluate the competence of your stewardship over such a large and
pervasive public trust."
The above link to Roger Routh's nine minute Youtube Video tells the
story you did not read about in the DM Register or see in any of the
TV coverage of the event.
Frank Cordaro
Phil Berrigan CW House
713 Indiana Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50314
(515) 282-4781
Update: Three of Those Arrested
Now Headed to D.C. To Speak
Now Headed to D.C. To Speak
Mona Shaw, Renee Espeland and Renee's eleven year old daughter Frankie Hughs have been ask to speak at the Healthcare Now Rally in DC about our witness at Wellmark Blue Shield Blue Cross on Monday. All three were arrested along with six others on Monday July 27.
They are using Frank's car and left at 9:30 a.m. today and are driving
straight through to DC. Mona and Renee also need to get back to DM for
a 9 a.m. court appearance on Monday for the Wellmark action. Frankie's
case is being handled by the Juvenal Courts.
This is not an easy trip. All three had to drop everything they were
planning on doing this week to clear their calenders and get friends
to help pay for gas and community members to cover their
responsibilities. They deemed it important enough to make the
sacrifice as did their DMCW community. So keep these "3 Amigos" in
your thoughts and prayers. Reports on their efforts to follow....
Frank Cordaro
Phil Berrigan CW House
713 Indiana Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50314
(515) 282-4781