
painting by russell brutsche, to facilitate our dreaming


CAROL BROUILLET, 51, lives in Palo Alto, California.

Raised in California, she sailed around the world in her youth.

She has been a busy activist since the early 1990s. She recently ran for Congress as a Green Party candidate.

She is active in the 9/11 Truth Movement, helping to start the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, often speaking, organizing events, she has published and distributed over 7,000,000 Deception Dollars and organized the first San Francisco International Inquiry into 9/11.

Carol 's main website questions the dominant monetary system and prmotes community currencies.

She tries to balance her activism with being a mom.


The New American Dream Trivia Question:

To win a copy of Mike Palecek's book "Iowa Terror," or maybe "Guests of the Nation," be the first one to correctly answer the following.

You might not know that Carol Brouillet ...

a. Likes to deep-sea dive b. Loves to surf c. Was a high-school standout sprinter d.Cannot speak French e. Studied theology in college f. Has never been to Las Vegas g. Once taught windsurfing h. Once drove bus in Colorado


NAD: Carol, hello, welcome. How did you and Jean-Luc meet?

CAROL BROUILLET: In a dance class in Palo Alto.

NAD: So, what's life like in Palo Alto?

It's the belly-button of the beast.

We have a lot of Defense Industry, black budget entities here, plus Stanford University; it's Silicon Valley, home of the personal computer and the Grateful Dead, Earth Day.

The most toxic county in the U.S., but most people don't realize how "dirty" the high tech industry is.

For the longest time, I have been working on changing the monetary system and the conditions here make that almost impossible — people have too much money and not enough time.

NAD: Where is Palo Alto? What does Palo Alto mean, anyway?

Just south of San Francisco. The town is named after a tree. It means Tall Tree.

NAD: Where are you from? Where did you go to school? Where have you worked? How did you get involved in activism? Is 911 Truth your passion these days?

I was born and raised in California.

I attended Hawaii Loa College, Reed College, and the University of Grenoble.

I have been lucky to have been able to find positions as crew and cook on various yachts, sailing vessels, and even a luxury cruise ship, sailing around the world.

I taught windsurfing in Hawaii.

I was a counselor at a summer camp for kids in Switzerland, for a couple of winters I worked in a ski resort in Colorado as a bus driver and waitress.

I also have done research for movie projects which took me to South America and England, where I also worked on an archaeological dig.

I also organized several art exhibitions and discovered a talent for publicity. I was working at an art gallery in Los Altos, when I met my husband, and finally "settled down" to raise kids, after never living for more than eleven months in any one location since leaving high school.

In 1992, I saw the film, “JFK’ and began researching the CIA. I was horrified to learn what they were up to, and felt it my duty as a citizen to raise awareness about facts that were not in newspapers, on radio or television, or common knowledge. I became a media activist.

In 1992, I saw the film, “JFK’ and began researching the CIA. I was horrified to learn what they were up to, and felt it my duty as a citizen to raise awareness about facts that were not in newspapers, on radio or television, or common knowledge.
I became a media activist.

NAD: Would you like to choose one of these to answer, elaborate on? I don't ask this to make fun. I ask because I really seek the answers.

— Did Bush knock down the towers?

I don't actually know if Bush was in on the plot; he would have played his part better, had he not known about it.

I suspect that Cheney did have an active role in 9/11 and was issuing orders from the Presidential Emergency Operating Center that morning.

Certainly the three World Trade Center buildings could not have been felled by two planes.

There is strong physical evidence, and eyewitness testimony that they were brought down with explosives.

One of the 9/11 Truth Movements strongest speakers now is the founder of the group Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Richard Gage, AIA.

Certainly the three World Trade Center buildings could not have been felled by two planes.

There is strong physical evidence, and eyewitness testimony that they were brought down with explosives.

Bush certainly has lied about many things and should go to jail for his crimes, but he was also manipulated, a puppet, to some very strong forces, including Dick Cheney.

Cheney had worked on Continuity of Government plans with Rumsfeld for decades before 9/11 and we went into Continuity of Government on that morning.

We still don't know what "rules" we are operating under — even Congress doesn't know; they won't reveal all their plans.

We do know what the Project for a New American Century was advocating, and how they said that "without a catastrophic and catalyzing event like a New Pearl Harbour" the process of [military] transformation was likely to be a long one.

They have rushed through a military reorganization of the country, the construction of Homeland Security, the expansion of the National Security State to a global police state.

NAD: How did the run for Congress go?

After I agreed to run again, I discovered that I had tumors in my pancreas.

I didn't get the results of the biopsy until July.

Fortunately, they were benign, but it is hard to do serious campaigning when you don't know if you'll live through the election.

... but it is hard to do serious campaigning
when you don't know if you'll live through the election.

Actually the whole family had serious health challenges this year, and our home was under construction for six months, so I really didn't do that much until the last month before the election.

With limited time and resources we just produced a very strong 30-second television ad which was shown locally over 200 times prior to the election.

The gist of it was:

"On 9/11, three skyscrapers were felled by two planes, World Trade
Center 7, the Patriot Act, the Financial Crash, The Bailout, all
share characteristics of controlled demolitions, Criminal Fraud, and
treason. We the people, need courage to seek and speak the truth. We
need to Investigate the big lies. We need to Arrest, Impeach the
Terrorists. We need to defend our Constitution, our rights, our

NAD: Do you think you might try again?

It is a possibility.

Mark Twain once said that Congress was the only distinctly American criminal class (or something to that effect).

I still think we need to rein our government in, hold it accountable, reverse its policies, replace the rule of fear with the rule of law- and just laws that treat rich and poor alike.

Right now, the country is being looted; the financial crisis is global in scope and a financial crime unprecedented in history.

I can't believe that the folks responsible aren't in jail, but are still in positions of power with Congress aiding and abetting them.

NAD: Please tell us more about yourself, the things you have done, what you would like to do, what you did today.

I have had an extraordinary, almost magical life; I have also been through a lot, many people close to me have died.

I overcame my fear of death (to a conscious degree) when I was twenty-two and a friend, who had just saved my life was threatening to commit suicide.

I think I learned one of life's most important lessons — how to forgive, to accept and to love — myself, my friend,
my family, the world.

I think I learned one of life's most important lessons — how to forgive, to accept and to love — myself, my friend, my family, the world. I guess what I hate is "FEAR," so, in general, I do not allow fear to stop me from doing what I think I should do.

So, I end up taking on impossible tasks and challenges — like changing the world monetary system, abolishing war, questioning the official story of 9/11, exposing 9/11 as a special-op, a false flag operation.

I doubt if I will be able to accomplish 2% of what I would really like to do in my lifetime; I usually am lucky to get 5% of what I plan to do in the course of a normal day done.

Life often seems to be this wonderful interruption from your original plan. Things happen; I find myself responding to people, the moment, new opportunities.

Life often seems to be this wonderful interruption from your original plan. Things happen; I find myself responding to people, the moment, new opportunities.

My mentors include Bill Moyer, author of Doing Democracy: The MAP Model for Organizing Social Movements, and Robert Swann, President of the E.F. Schumacher Society, a pioneer of land and monetary reform.

They both were delightful, peace activists, always open to new ideas, learning and growing, but they also were wonderful teachers and shared their wisdom and experience, helping those, like me, who shared the universal dream of a peaceful, healthy world.

Today, I slept in; it is the day after Thanksgiving.

I checked the weather, started the laundry, bicycled to one of my favorite three mile hikes above the hills adjacent to Stanford University.

I have a tendency to work too much on the computer, and I need to make a more concerted effort to get fresh air and exercise.

I love to hike, bike, walk and talk, although I often hike or walk alone.

My kids and husband love to play, and they have friends over now, and are playing a game called "Magic."

I was thinking of holding a retreat/strategy meeting at our home this weekend, in light of all that has happened in the last month, I think the 9/11 Truth Movement, and our group, in particular, need to assess where we are and where are efforts might do the most good.

NAD: What did you absolutely have to get done by noon today?

My walk and returning late DVDs to the local video store.

NAD: How about by Christmas 2010?

Organizing my contact lists, phone book, address book, so that I can actually keep up with my mail and find phone numbers, email addresses, and regular addresses when I need them. I think I have accomplished quite a bit as an activist, but I think I could do much more, if I was personally better organized.

NAD: How is your health? How long do you think you can go full-blast like this?

I must admit that I have a tendency to run on spirit and neglect my body, which sometimes refuses to work to remind me to take better care of it.

Last year, I ended up in the hospital with kidney stones. I have to make a concerted effort to drink more water and balance my life, so that I can continue doing this work for my entire lifetime.

My weekly radio show, Questioning War — Organizing Resistance was cancelled (the station ceased operations) on October 6, 2008.

So, since the election, I haven't been as overwhelmed with the demands of my normal schedule.

I have been able to take a bit of a break, although I did participate and speak at the End the Fed Rally last weekend in San Francisco.

My work on changing the monetary system was eclipsed by 9/11, and now because of the financial crisis people are more willing to look at the systemic problems that we are facing- particularly at the monetary system.

So I don't know precisely where to place my time and energies, but I do also feel the need to catch up on my own life, after being in "triage mode" for so many years.

NAD: How will your activism change when Bush is no longer in office?

I think we'll face even bigger challenges.

NAD: What else would you like to add? What else should I have asked?

I made a DVD entitled Behind Every Terrorist — There is a Bush which includes my five-minute personal biography, but it was also an actual show we produced to overcome psychological barriers to 9/11 through art, music and comedy.

I do keep a blog of my activism since 9/11 at my website, and there are links there to many of my articles, speeches ... I actually wanted to be a writer since I was a child, but since I became an activist, I find that I really only have time to write press releases, speeches, articles, and I can't even keep up my three websites.

With the emerging technologies, I need to learn how to communicate better, words aren't enough anymore to say all that needs to be conveyed to people of increasingly varied backgrounds.

I did hold a weekly Listening Project for six years in Palo Alto, now I hold it once a month on the 11th, in solidarity with 9/11 Truth activists worldwide, but I try to ask people three questions, before I try to dialogue with them.

It's important to have some idea of what others know before throwing too much unusual information their way.

NAD: Please insert a link here to something you would like linked to, with a brief tag re: where that link goes:

Most recently I spoke in San Francisco at an End the Fed (Federal Reserve) rally. I posted a description of the event, photos, and my speech here.

NAD: Thank you.

Thank-you Mike. I hope this is what you wanted and will be able to use!

All the best!

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