Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III,
head of all intelligence says:
•Pentagon NOT hit by a plane
•WTC 7 brought down by explosives
•Media in America is controlled
in Des Moines on July 4th
From: Kirk Brown
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at
"Liberty for Torture?"
4th of July action in Iowa report by Kirk Brown
Protesters attacked in Iowa on 4th of July
Spurned on through the recognition of humanity in the suffering of warnvictims, torture victims, and victims of corporate economics; four people celebrated independence in protest at Raccoon River park and Lyons Park in West Des Moines and Urbandale on the fourth of July.
One person handed out leaftets explaining
why a person might be opposed to military recruitment.
One person dressed as a Guantanamo detainee carried a sign asking, "Liberty for Torture?"
Another waved an adbusters American flag
which has corporate logos where the stars typically are.
At Raccoon River Park the protesters were actually chased down by handfuls of people who yelled, cursed and threatened them with physical death.
This is the same place where a lady pulled a knife on Renee Espeland and Eddie Bloomer of the Des Moines Catholic Worker last year. Bright spots in the afternoon were those moments where a person or family would come and offer support.
In West Des Moines and Urbandale, Iowa the freedom for dissent comes at the cost of
withstanding verbal and physical attacks as the protesters were to be shown at both places.
Groups of 10-12 people formed perimeters around the protesters at Lyons Park some asking questions and having conversation, others in the groups
surrounding the four protesters would holler and all of that.
One young man got so angry that he lunged
upon a protester and a few minutes of utter chaos ensued.
Surprisingly no one needed medical attention after the attack.
Encouragement came when a sister and mother of a soldier killed in Iraq came to talk to the protesters, tears were in the mother's eyes as she told them of her dead child and left saying she respected what the protesters were doing.
The exchange was a solemn occasion underlining the grisly cost of war.
The red haired sister was maybe 7 or 8 at most.
Two very different views of liberty came
to a head at two regular old parks in two regular old towns in Iowa.
One view says that human life is an
acceptable cost in the overall price of war,torture and economic disparity.
The other says that human life is the cost but it
is a price not worth paying and it is a price that in paying one loses liberty.
It is with the refugee, the torture victim and the poor that
our liberty is bound, and it is them; the other, that we are free for.
Kirk Brown -former DMCW
some folks were fighting to get our country back
NYC CAN files petition
— to bring about a real investigation into 9/11
William Blum:
By what standard shall we judge Barack Obama?
Many of my readers have been upset with me for my criticisms of President Obama's policies. Following my last two reports, more than a dozen have asked to be removed from my mailing list.
But if you share my view that the numerous atrocities US foreign policy is responsible for constitute the greatest threat to world peace, prosperity and happiness, then I think you have to want leaders who are unambiguously opposed to America's military adventures, because those interventions are unambiguously harmful.
"Why does the military bring entertainers to soldiers?
To lift the soldiers' spirits.
Why does the military want
to lift the soldiers’ spirits?
A happier soldier does his job better.
And what’s the soldier’s job?
All the charming things listed above."
There's nothing good to be said about dropping powerful bombs on crowds of innocent people, invading their land, overthrowing their government, occupying the country, breaking down the doors of the citizens, killing the father, raping the mother, traumatizing the children, torturing those opposed to all this ... Barack Obama has no problem with this, if we judge him by his policies and not his rhetoric.
And neither does Al Franken, who's about to become a Democratic Senator from Minnesota. The former Saturday Night Live comedian would like you to believe that he’s been against the war in Iraq since it began, but he's gone to Iraq four times to entertain the troops. Does that make sense?
Why does the military bring entertainers to soldiers? To lift the soldiers' spirits. Why does the military want to lift the soldiers’ spirits? A happier soldier does his job better. And what’s the soldier’s job? All the charming things listed above.
Doesn't Franken know what these guys do? He criticized the Bush administration because they “failed to send enough troops to do the job right.”
What “job” did the man think the troops were sent to do that had not been performed to his standards because of lack of manpower?
Did he want them to be more efficient at killing Iraqis who resisted the occupation?
— William Blum
The Anti-Empire Report
"NSA's Security force is reportedly primarily tasked with
plugging any leaks of classified or other information
that points to U.S. government involvement
with the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001."
Just In From Kevin Barrett:
4th of July Madsen Report:
High Treason at NSA

"WMR has learned that the National Security 'Q' Group, responsible for security, has grown to an immense security and counter-intelligence force, with an estimated one thousand government employees, contractors, and paid informants. NSA's Security force is reportedly primarily tasked with plugging any leaks of classified or other information that points to U.S. government involvement with the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001."
If anyone can find the names, addresses, and phone numbers of those in charge of the NSA's National Security "Q" Group, please send them to me at truthjihad(at)gmail.com or POB 221, Lone Rock, WI 53556 so that I can investigate this story and, if it pans out, post the traitors' home addresses and phone numbers on the internet.
Happy Independence Day, fellow patriots!

from almost eight years ago —
this guy told us on TV
that the towers had collapsed
due to structural failure.
• How did he know?
• Who is he?
• Who planted him, paid for him?
Note: The Bush government planned and carried out 9/11. Those folks need to be walked or dragged into a U.S federal court.
• Why?
• Just because the truth is important.

And, finally, finally
-------- Forwarded message ----------
From: SOA Watch
Date: Sat, Jul 4, 2009
SOA Watch to Join
Honduran Social Movements
Funds are Needed for Emergency Response to Military Coup.
The situation in Honduras remains extremely tense
following the June28 military coup
by graduates of the School of the Americas
For the last six days, SOA Watch has been in constant
communication with pro-democracy organizers in Honduras.
We are pressuring the State Department and the White House with street
protests and an online actions to ensure the unconditional
reinstatement of President Zeleya.
However, the calls from our partners in Honduras
have made it clear to
us that we need to go a step further.
SOA Watch has decided to join
the Honduran social movements on the ground.
A small SOA Watch delegation is going to meet with members of the National Resistance
Committee tomorrow and will join them in the streets.
SOA Watch's Latin America Coordinator Lisa Sullivan,
the former SOA Watch Prisoners of Conscience
Laura Slattery and Father Joe Mulligan,
SOA Watch activist Kent Spriggs
and others are currently on their way
to Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
The resistance to the military coup
that is taking place right now in
Honduras is a Honduran struggle
and a struggle of the Americas,
at the same time.
The outcome will affect all of us for years to come.
International accompaniment
can have a big impact and save lives.
You can mail your contribution to:
SOA Watch, PO Box 4566, Washington, DC, 20017
or Click here to donate online: http://www.soaw.org/article.php?id=546