New American Dream Interview
KOREY ROWE, 25, lives in Oneonta, New York.
He is one of the producers of one of the first documentaries about the 9/11 attacks to claim the attacks were carried out by the Bush administration.
An ex-Army specialist, Rowe returned home from two tours, one to Afghanistan, one to Iraq, to help his best friends, Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas to produce Loose Change, and eighty-minute, web-based film.
Loose Change [first and second editions] received over ten million online viewings.
The Final Cut was released in 2007.
More about Korey Rowe:
The New American Dream Trivia Question:
To win a copy of one of Palecek's books, or leftover Christmas candy, be the first one to correctly answer the following.
Korey Rowe would rather be ....
a. Meeting Karl Rove in the alley behind the Noplace Bar on River Street
b. Documenting President Obama's American Truth Commission Hearings
c. Kicking Jason Bermas' butt in racquetball
d. Pulling the director's chair out from under Dylan Avery
e. Catching some rays, eating some cheese, drinking some wine in Kandahar
f. Debunking de Limbaugh, de O'Reilly, de Couric, de Brokaw
NAD: Korey, hello, thank you for taking the time for this.
Well, what now?
Have you done all you can do about the issue of 9/11?
I don’t think anyone has done EVERYTHING they can. However I feel like I have helped.
Louder Than Words will continue to release films in the future.
Probably one film a year.
Subjects will continue to be on false flag terror ops as well as other topics that we feel passionate about.
NAD: Are you convinced that Bush did it?
Or, do you just think we don't have the full truth yet ... that we need a new investigation?
Bush was a pawn at best.
We need a real investigation into the events of that day, maybe then we an all stop the senseless bickering over trivial issues.
NAD: Would you like to choose one of these to answer, elaborate on?
I don't ask this to make fun. I ask because I really seek the answers.
— Are UFOs real? Are there unidentified flying objects?
— Did we land on the moon in 1968?
— Did Bush knock down the towers?
— Was Paul Wellstone's death an accident?
— The Oklahoma City bombing? Wasn't that just another U.S. government terrorist exercise? Correct.
— Waco. We burned kids, right? You can see flames shooting out of the tanks.
Not 100 percent.
— Is Bigfoot real?
— Is there a God?
Depends on your definition of God.
... What makes you think that?
Oh …. Common Sense.
Most things I feel you just need to think critically about for just a few seconds and common sense will point you in the correct direction.
... UFO’s goes to extraterrestrials. Is there a chance that there is life outside of our planet? If you don’t think so then you need only look at our closest neighbor. Mars.
... Have we ever been back to the Moon? Do we use it at all? Has any other country been there?
... Bush couldn’t plant to untie his shoes let alone the 9/11 operation.
... In OKC you can see them taking other bombs out of the building
... Bigfoot / God. Sure. Why not.
NAD: You must have met some amazing people on this journey.
Who are a few of your 9/11 heroes?
John Feal
Jesse Ventura
David Ray Griffin
Dylan Avery
NAD: Do you three still live in Oneonta?
Jason and I do.
Dylan moved to San Diego
NAD: Did you go to high school together?
Dylan and I did.
NAD: Do you think there is anything that can still be done to bring the real perpetrators of 9/11 to justice, to trial?
Too much to write.
There is no end to what we could do.
Only to what we have.
NAD: Do you have hope that Obama will pursue justice, regarding 9/11, regarding torture, regarding going to war based on lies, regarding millions of people being killed?
Regarding people planning a war, making money, while others died.
Obama will most likely do nothing special.
NAD: Does your favorite coffee cup have words on it? What are they?
I hate my boss. (I'm my boss)
What did you absolutely have to get done by noon today?
I can't think of anything that absolutely has to get done ever.
If it can wait till tomorrow, it can wait one more day.
NAD: How about by Christmas 2009?
Get ready for college.
Going for a degree in Mass Communication with a minor in production.
NAD: Oh ... one more thing [you are probably too young to remember Columbo, right?]
Did Bush and whomever steal the elections — with all this already in mind?
Do you ever wonder about that?
Votes do not have anything to do with an election.
The electoral college puts whom they want in power.
THE New American Dream Feature Interviews
If you search the archives below, you will find, in a sort of order [last to first], interviews with:
Dave Zweifel, editor of The Madison Capital Times
Cathleen Howard, expatriate, from Tucson to Mexico, to pursue her dreams
Sander Hicks, Brooklyn radical entrepreneur, writer, publisher
Joe Bageant, America's blue-collar author
Frida Berrigan, a lifetime of faith, hope and love
Denise Diaz, brewing up a revolution, at The Ritual Cafe in Des Moines
Deanna Taylor, Green Party activist, teacher, in Salt Lake City
Rossie Indira-Vltchek, writer, filmmaker in Jarkarta, Indonesia
Nora Barrows-Friedman, Pacifica reporter in Gaza
Delaney Bruce, Friends of Peltier
Keith McHenry, co-founder of Food Not Bombs
Michael Sprong, South Dakota Catholic Worker
Brian Terrell, Des Moines Catholic Worker
Bob Graf, One of the Milwaukee 14
Loren Coleman, Bigfoot researcher
Monty Borror, Sci-Fi artist from Virginia
David Ray, Great American Poet
Jack Blood, radio show host, in Austin, Texas
Danny Schechter, A Real Reporter
Bob Kincaid, host, Head-On Radio Show
Tony Packes, Animal Farm Radio Host, Keeping An Eye on Big Brother
Richard Flamer, Working With the Poor in Chiapas
David Ray Griffin, 9/11 Truth activist author
Barry Crimmins, U.S. comedian, author, social activist
Bret Hayworth, political reporter for the Sioux City [IA] Journal
Lisa Casey, publisher of website All Hat No Cattle
Joe & Elaine Mayer, activist couple in Rochester, Minnesota
Fr. Darrell Rupiper, U.S. priest revolutionary
Whitney Trettien, MIT student, Green Party activist
Meria Heller, radio show host
Phil Hey, professor, poet
John Crawford, book publisher
Steve Moon, Iowa Bigfoot researcher
Carol Brouillet, California social activist, 9/11 Truth
Russell Brutsche, Santa Cruz artist
Kevin Barrett, professor, radio show host, 9/11 Truth activist
A'Jamal Rashad Byndon, social activist in Omaha
Chris Rooney, Vancouver, Canada Catholic Worker, website publisher
Marc Estrin, political novelist, from the left
Peter Dale Scott, poet, professor, author, activist
Anthony Rayson, anarchist zine publisher, works with prisoners
Alice Cherbonnier, editor of The Baltimore Chronicle, an independent newspaper