Only thing that's changed is the haircut and a shave. That was my Viking-Gone-To-Seed period.
I still like the photo. I've also attached a more recent one from the day after the Inauguration in D.C.
All the other data, The H.O.R.N., the web addy, weeknights 6 to 9 p.m. ET remains the same.
Thanks for remembering!
Son-of-Bob (known as Ferg), Bob Kincaid and Ray McGovern from the 30 April 2008 event at West Virginia State University in Institute, WV.
McGovern lays out the case against the BFEE like a lawyer bringing an indictment.
Hey! There's an idea!
As with ALL liberal audiences, the t-shirt was a HEEEEUUUUGGGGEEE conversation starter!
[Courtesy of]
McGovern lays out the case against the BFEE like a lawyer bringing an indictment.
Hey! There's an idea!
As with ALL liberal audiences, the t-shirt was a HEEEEUUUUGGGGEEE conversation starter!
[Courtesy of]
THE New American Dream Interview
I’m nurturing a little seed of hope that,
if we persist in standing together, we can effect the change we want,
instead of waiting anymore “for a savior to rise from these streets.”
if we persist in standing together, we can effect the change we want,
instead of waiting anymore “for a savior to rise from these streets.”
BOB KINCAID, 45, lives in Fayette County, West Virginia with his beautiful wife, four kids, son-in-law and two beautiful grandchildren. He is a radio talk show host on the Head-On Radio Network.
He was born and raised in Florence, Alabama to West Virginia parents (a home-maker and a WWII veteran who later become a silicon furnace operator), went to school at Westminster College of Missouri, West Virginia University, and the University of Alabama and besides radio has worked as a radio news anchor for CNN, in state government and, much to his undying shame, as a telemarketer.
In addition to his duties with The H.O.R.N., Bob is actively involved in the fight against Mountain Removal coal extraction and trying to be a halfway decent parent and grandparent.
The New American Dream Trivia Question
To win a used T-shirt from Mike Palecek's book tour of 2007-2008, be the first one to correctly answer the following.
[The shirts are large, black or white, with a variety of anti-Bush messages, machine-washed, then for one night beat against the side of a garage that needs painting. Old Czech custom.]
Bob Kincaid's dream job would be:
a. Right field for the Colorado Rockies b. Radio show host
c. Anchor for the CBS Nightly News d. bricklayer e. farmer f. no job
NAD: Bob, hello, welcome.
What is the Head-On Radio Network."
I went to the website and it says it no longer exists. What's up?
Thanks, Mike!
The H.O.R.N. is an attempt to reinvent “talk radio” on the internet, outside the confines of the right-wing advertising model (“You Can GROW New Hair. Just $29.95! Call now”) and the stifling strictures of the FCC.
The central pillars of The H.O.R.N. are (1) the people who work for a living in this country are much more astute than they’re given credit; and (2) people can’t espouse ideas in thirty seconds before the next “Buy Gold Now!” ad.
That means we have to have a real conversation.
That’s why we call The H.O.R.N. “Conversation Radio.”
As for the website, we’ve had to do a server migration and that required some down time. We’re right back there at, with blogging, message boards and free live chat.
It’s a fun place during show times and the link to the live stream is there, as well.
Folks can also listen on iTunes Radio and download free archives/podcasts at
... we’ve seen the same effects at the end
of both Bush presidencies: a scorched-earth economy,
an exhausted national treasury and the
usual array of scoundrels, miscreants and rascals left in its wake.
of both Bush presidencies: a scorched-earth economy,
an exhausted national treasury and the
usual array of scoundrels, miscreants and rascals left in its wake.
NAD: Do you find hope in Obama?
Did you find hope in Clinton?
I find more hope in the phenomenon that got Obama elected than I do in the man, himself.
His campaign made vibrantly clear the ability of people to rally to a cause and to create a great deal of energy and hope from their own personal stores.
I’m nurturing a little seed of hope that, if we persist in standing together, we can effect the change we want, instead of waiting anymore “for a savior to rise from these streets.”
I am very impressed with Obama’s political skills thus far.
The rubber will meet the road when we see him interact with the Congress.
That’s really the biggest question: will the Congress be as accommodating to President Obama as it was to Dim Leader?
I was, in the last two presidential cycles, firmly in Dennis Kucinich’s camp.
That man actually made the Democrats look at the issues that most mattered to the country.
In addition, he’s running about 100 percent as far as prescience and being correct about our myriad current dilemmas. I’d feel a lot better about Obama if he’d acknowledge that.
It would mean, among other things, that he recognizes how grave the situation is and how much work we have to do.
The fact that he thinks sending MORE arms, more bombs, more death and more destruction to Afghanistan worries me a LOT.
For heaven’s sake! If Alexander couldn’t take and hold Afghanistan, what makes any modern person think he can?
I did put hope in Clinton, and it was, to some extent, justified.
In others, it was not.
I think there’s a “Whew!” phenomenon to the end of a long period of having a Republican in the White House that gives rise to some degree of hope, regardless of the Democrat.
To varying degrees, we’ve seen the same effects at the end of both Bush presidencies: a scorched-earth economy, an exhausted national treasury and the usual array of scoundrels, miscreants and rascals left in its wake.
How can one NOT have a little bit of hope just seeing that kind of nastiness exit the national political arena? There’s no getting around the fact that Clinton made profound blunders.
NAFTA and the so-called “Welfare Reform” are just a couple of them. We have only a hint of what Clinton might’ve accomplished had he not been saddled with that dead-from-the-neck-up gang of right-wing punks who took over the asylum, er, Congress in 1994.
Worse, Bill Clinton let Poppy Bush’s Iran Contra crimes slide in the name of a “unity” in which the GOP never had any intent to participate.
That sickened me.
I’m able at this stage to “hope” Obama won’t do the same thing, but I’d be dishonest both with you and with myself if I told you that I have any sort of rational hope to the contrary, given the man Obama’s named to be his Attorney General.
Eric Holder is, as I write, working to keep his client, Chiquita Brands, from having to pay any sort of reparations for its support of Colombian right-wing terrorists who kept labor organizing in check through a campaign of murder and mayhem.
Does that sound to you like the guy who’s going to pursue eight long, felonious years of Bush lawlessness? Me, neither.
As a person directly affected by Mountain Removal, I’m also dismayed by Obama’s choice for National Security Adviser. General Jones’ latest job has been as a policy flack for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Energy Division.
That organization won’t be happy till all us hillbillies are singing “Almost level, West Virginia ...” and every mountain is flattened, every stream filled and Appalachia is reduced to nothing more than a life support system for the coal industry. Oops. /Soapbox
NAD: Would you like to choose one of these to answer, elaborate on?
We don't ask this to make fun. We ask because we really seek the answers.
— Are UFOs real?
— Did we land on the moon in 1968?
— Did Bush knock down the towers?
— Was Paul Wellstone's death an accident?
— Is Bigfoot real?
— Is there a God?
These are real questions and I’ll be happy to address each one, although the answers are only my own and not offered as guidance to anyone else.
As someone who does “liberal” radio, I repeatedly try to set myself apart from the right-wing model, in that the right-wing uses its power to issue marching orders to its blindered, lock-step faithful.
Not only will I not do that, I can’t do that.
As far as I’ve been able to tell, liberals/progressives aren’t wired that way.
So: Are UFOs real?
In the purely technical sense the answer has to be an unqualified “Yes.”
It’s a subjective standard. If I see something flying and I can’t identify it, it’s a “UFO.” Are we being visited by life-forms from other planets/galaxies/universes? No one can say without qualifying the answer.
For my purposes, I’ll say I hope they are.
I was born as the U.S. was heading into space and for me, space is “the final frontier.” Yep. I’m one of those.
I don’t like to think of us being all alone in this universe.
Frankly, I can’t imagine that we are. From my extremely limited understanding of complex biology and physics, it appears to me that it’s highly unlikely that we’re alone.
If we aren’t then what’s the likelihood someone’s having a peep at us?
Given how curious WE are about others, I’ll transfer that curiosity to the other side and say that the likelihood is very high.
Did we land on the moon in 1968?
I thought it was 1969.
I was a little kid. I could have it wrong. My happy childhood all sort of runs together in a warm, swirling memory anymore.
But yeah: we landed on the moon.
Did Bush knock down the towers?
I’m inclined not to think so.
If you re-phrase the question, however, and ask whether the Bush Administration sat on the evidence and let it happen, I have to say definitely “Yes.”
There are too many things the Bush Administration has itself admitted to lead to any other conclusion. “Bin Laden Determined To Strike Inside U.S.” and he did what?
Stayed on the ranch and cut brush?
Condi Rice said “We couldn’t imagine them using airplanes as missiles” and yet Bush’s own people had been warned of precisely that at a prior summit in Italy, prompting him to move offshore?
Paul Wellstone?
I get sad every time I think of the man. Lord, how we’ve needed him these last few years! No man had greater potential to change the Senate in recent memory.
Was he murdered?
All I have is the remark of the President of the College Republicans a few years back: “We had to get rid of Wellstone, and we did.”
Bottom Line?
Are “conservatives,” which I think has come to be another term for “fascists” capable of murder?
Ask about a million or so Iraqi civilians.
Oh. Sorry.
They can’t answer. They were murdered by “conservatives.”
My gut tells me “No.” These are belief (a word that’s human language’s equivalent of a hand grenade with the pin out) issues.
I’d like for there to be a “bigfoot,” and it may possibly have existed in years past. We, homo sapiens sapiens have proven mercilessly efficient at killing and eliminating species.
In the North American context, I think Bigfoot is an embedded memory from the era of the megafauna which the first peoples arriving here dispatched with both speed and efficiency.
Arriving on this continent, the asian peoples who had come here looked around and said “Hey, Barney! Look! Lunch!” “Yeah, Fred! It’s wall-to-wall prime rib!” “Call Wilma and Betty an’ tell ‘em to hot up the oven. We’re gonna EAT!”
The absolute last of that ended when white Europeans hit the Great Plains and started shooting bison from moving railroad trains “just to watch them die,” as John Cash might’ve put it.
If there’s a “God,” it is in all of us.
If by “God,” you mean some ancient juvenile delinquent in the sky who needs a shave and a haircut and runs around smiting people, nope.
He ain’t real.
He’s a manifestation of the very worst aspects of the ancient, simple, ignorant, fearful, greedy people who created him to explain away the fact that they didn’t know why it rained and were utterly dumbstruck by the idea of a wheelbarrow.
Neither is that lady with the snakes for arms or heads or legs.
Neither is Huitzilopochtli or that elephant that’s standing on the back of the turtle holding up the world.
Literal fundamentalism is humankind’s most terminal disease.
It allows people to do as they wish and justify their evils on an ad hoc, ex post facto basis that most frequently results in some other people doing a lot of screaming, bleeding and dying.
If there’s a “God,” it is in all of us.
If there’s a Heaven, it’s that process whereby our individual god-ness rejoins the whole. Hell is what happens to the infinitesimal motivating spark of energy that’s screwed itself and so thoroughly flawed itself as to make it impossible to rejoin the greater body.
Personally, I “believe” (and believe me when I say I use that most dangerous of all words advisedly) the universe is god, inhaling and exhaling and being. And we’re, all of us, part of it.
Me, I might be a single cell on one of the universe’s trillions of armpit hairs or, if I’m feeling REALLY egomaniacal, a cell on a taste bud.
Nothing more. Likely much less.
Answer to Trivia Question:
(b) Radio Show Host. I’ve never loved doing anything more than what I’m doing now. I hope I get to keep doing it.
The New American Dream Feature Interviews
If you search the archives below, you will find, in a sort of order [last to first], interviews with:
Tony Packes, Animal Farm Radio Host, Keeping An Eye on Big Brother
Richard Flamer, Working With the Poor in Chiapas
David Ray Griffin, 9/11 Truth activist author
Barry Crimmins, U.S. comedian, author, social activist
Bret Hayworth, political reporter for the Sioux City [IA] Journal
Lisa Casey, publisher of website All Hat No Cattle
Joe & Elaine Mayer, activist couple in Rochester, Minnesota
Fr. Darrell Rupiper, U.S. priest revolutionary
Whitney Trettien, MIT student, Green Party activist
Meria Heller, radio show host
Phil Hey, professor, poet
John Crawford, book publisher
Steve Moon, Iowa Bigfoot researcher
Carol Brouillet, California social activist, 9/11 Truth
Russell Brutsche, Santa Cruz artist
Kevin Barrett, professor, radio show host, 9/11 Truth activist
A'Jamal Rashad Byndon, social activist in Omaha
Chris Rooney, Vancouver, Canada Catholic Worker, website publisher
Marc Estrin, political novelist, from the left
Peter Dale Scott, poet, professor, author, activist
Anthony Rayson, anarchist zine publisher, works with prisoners
Alice Cherbonnier, editor of The Baltimore Chronicle, an independent newspaper