
DELANEY BRUCE — a taste of what it's like to really fight the United States government — a delicacy most Americans have never been able to swallow

Leonard Peltier
"Fighting for what’s right just may cost you something, right?
Hey, having a passion for doing the right thing
is a good thing.
Embrace it.

But remember that you don’t own it until it costs you.

And by that I mean that all anyone has to do is stand up."

FBI agents Jack Coler, Ron Williams,
killed at Oglala, South Dakota, June 26. 1975

Even the prosecutors in this case have admitted
that they “did not and cannot prove”
that Peltier is guilty or even what part
“he may have played” in the deaths of the agents.
The courts have acknowledged that Peltier’s
constitutional rights have been violated again and again,
but they haven’t remedied the situation.

Victims of the Reign of Terror

04.14.1973 - Priscilla White Plume

04.17.1973 - Frank Clearwater

04.23.1973 - Between 8 and 12 individuals (names unknown) packing supplies into Wounded Knee.

04.27.1973 - Buddy Lamont

06.19.1973 - Clarence Cross

07.30.1973 - Julius Bad Heart Bull

09.22.1973 - Melvin Spider

09.23.1973 - Philip Black Elk

10.05.1973 - Aloysius Long Soldier

10.10.1973 - Phillip Little Crow

10.17.1973 - Pedro Bissonette

11.20.1973 - Allison Fast Horse

01.17.1974 - Edward Means, Jr.

02.27.1974 - Edward Standing Soldier

04.19.1974 - Roxeine Roark

09.07.1974 - Dennis LeCompte

09.11.1974 - Jackson Washington Cutt

09.16.1974 - Robert Reddy

11.16.1974 - Delphine Crow Dog

11.20.1974 - Elaine Wagner

12.03.1974 - John S. Moore

12.28.1974 - Yvette Loraine Lone Hill

01.05.1975 - Leon L. Swift Bird

03.01.1975 - Martin Montileaux

03.20.1975 - Stacy Cotter

03.21.1975 - Edith Eagle Hawk and her two children

03.27.1975 - Jeanette Bissonette

03.30.1975 - Richard Eagle

04.04.1975 - Hilda R. Good Buffalo

04.04.1975 - Jancita Eagle Deer

05.20.1975 - Ben Sitting Up

06.01.1975 - Kenneth Little

06.15.1975 - Leah Spotted Elk

06.26.1975 - Joseph Killsright Stuntz

07.12.1975 - James Briggs Yellow

07.25.1975 - Andrew Paul Stewart

08.25.1975 - Randy Hunter

09.09.1975 - Howard Blue Bird

09.10.1975 - Jim Little

10.26.1975 - Janice Black Bear

10.26.1975 - Olivia Binais

10.27.1975 - Michelle Tobacco

12.06.1975 - Carl Plenty Arrows, Sr.

12.06.1975 - Frank LaPointe

12.25.1975 - Floyd S. Binais

01.05.1976 - Lydia Cut Grass

01.30.1976 - Byron DeSersa

02.06.1976 - Lena R. Slow Bear

02.26.1976 - Anna Mae Pictou Aquash

03.01.1976 - Hobart Horse

03.26.1976 - Cleveland Reddest

04.28.1976 - Betty Jo Dubray

05.06.1976 - Marvin Two Two

05.09.1976 - Julia Pretty Hips

05.24.1976 - Sam Afraid of Bear

06.04.1976 - Kevin Hill

07.03.1976 - Betty Means

07.31.1976 - Sandra Wounded Foot

June 26, 1975

On June 26, 1975, two agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)—Mr. Jack Coler and Mr. Ron Williams — entered private property on the Pine Ridge reservation, the Jumping Bull Ranch. They drove unmarked vehicles, wore plain clothes, and neglected to identify themselves as law enforcement officers. They allegedly sought to arrest a young Indian man, Jimmy Eagle, for the theft of a pair of cowboy boots. They believed, the government contends, that they had seen Eagle in a red pick up truck that they then followed onto the Jumping Bull property.

Members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) were camping on the property at the time. They had been invited there by the Jumping Bull elders, who sought protection from the extreme violence on the reservation at that time. Many non-AIM persons were present as well.

Map of the

Jumping Bull Compound.

For unknown reasons, a shoot-out began. A family with small children was trapped in the cross fire. Throughout the ranch, people screamed that they were under attack and many of the men present hurried to return fire.

The Cost

When the skirmish ended, the two FBI agents were dead. The U.S. government claims they had been wounded and then shot through their heads at close range.

A young Native American named Joe Stuntz (above) also lay dead, shot through the head by a sniper bullet. His killing has never been investigated.

The more than 30 men, women, and children present on the ranch were then quickly surrounded by over 150 FBI agents, Special Weapons and Tactics (or SWAT) team members, Bureau of Indian Affairs police, and local vigilantes. They barely escaped through a hail of bullets.

An innocent man, Leonard Peltier was wrongfully convicted and illegally imprisoned in connection with the shooting deaths on June 26, 1975, of two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.

Delaney Bruce, with Cyrus Peltier, Leonard Peltier's grandson, 2003,
appellate hearing in Denver regarding parole.

Friends of Peltier

Ten Reasons, by Delaney Bruce
12,000 Days, by Delaney Bruce

The New American
Dream Interview

[Interview conducted Jan. 7, 2009]


Leonard Peltier has a parole hearing July 28. Go here to learn how to write a letter in support.

DELANEY BRUCE is a freelance writer and PR/media consultant formerly affiliated with the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee (2001-2003).

She also provided writing, research, Web, and media services to the Peltier legal defense team (2003-2006).

She is a founding member of the group Friends of Peltier (, established in 2007.

Delaney, age 55, currently lives in Portland, Oregon.

NAD: Delaney, hello. Thank you for taking the time for this.

No problem.

NAD: Are you a Native American?

(Smiles) By whose definition?

If you’re asking if I have Indigenous blood running through my veins?

Yes. Mvskoke (Creek Nation).

No more significant than my Scots-Irish roots, though ...

If we have to use a label, let’s just say I’m “tribal,” and the sum of all my parts.

NAD: How did you first hear about Leonard Peltier?

The way everyone did back in the day... On television.

I was in Washington, D.C., so the reporting was pretty immediate, as well as extensive — just like the reporting on the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) takeover in ’72 and the siege at Wounded Knee in ‘73.

I remember, too, the “60 Minutes” piece that was done on the Peltier case some years later.

That was really the first time anything other than the government version of events was delivered into peoples’ living rooms.

I remember that everyone was talking about the case the day after that segment aired.

But I was reminded of the case again by a friend — in 1999, I think it was.

That’s when I finally read “In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,” by Peter Matthiessen.

Today, Peter’s book remains the definitive work on the American Indian Movement (AIM) and the Peltier case. If they haven’t already read the book, folks should give it a look over.

NAD: Were you with the then Leonard Peltier Defense Committee around the time that there was hope of an offer of clemency by Clinton?

Like millions of folks worldwide, I was a supporter during that time ... you know, just trying to do my part.

I didn’t come to the Committee until about six months after Clinton left office.

Clinton was giving signals that Leonard would go free. To have the rug pulled out from under them in the final hours of the Clinton Administration ... Man, that was devastating — for Leonard, in particular.

He picked himself up, though — and dragged everyone else to their feet, as well.
It was a pretty amazing thing to witness.

NAD: What was that like, for the Committee, to go through?


The Committee folks had put their hearts and souls into that clemency effort. They thought it was going to happen.

Clinton was giving signals that Leonard would go free. To have the rug pulled out from under them in the final hours of the Clinton Administration ... Man, that was devastating — for Leonard, in particular.

He picked himself up, though — and dragged everyone else to their feet, as well.

It was a pretty amazing thing to witness.

NAD: Why do you think clemency was not given by Clinton?

People make all kinds of claims about what happened.

I don’t think there’s a simple answer to this question, you know? Lots of different players, all kinds of maneuvering. It’s hard to know what actually happened.

Bill Janklow loves to take credit for Clinton’s decision. Right?

But while Janklow and others of his acquaintance may have contributed to the president’s decision, I very much doubt such folks actually caused it.

Had Janklow been as effective as he claims, I think Clinton would have denied clemency.

He didn’t. (Note: Former Governor and Congressman Janklow, South Dakota, was convicted of manslaughter in 2003, jailed, and forced to resign his congressional seat in disgrace.)

I tend to think that if anyone can claim the credit for sinking the clemency effort, it’s likely then FBI Director (and J. Edgar Hoover clone) Louis Freeh.

Like Hoover, he operated with a “by any means” mentality.

Ruby Ridge and Waco occurred on Freeh’s watch, remember.

It’s said he was a total renegade ... notoriously insubordinate to Janet Reno, the then Attorney General.

He also was known to have carried on a bitter feud with Bill Clinton. Seems like the guy was out of control.

Do you know about the 2002 Freedom of Information Act request that was made to the Buffalo FBI field office on Leonard’s behalf?

That request yielded a heavily excised 1975 teletype that indicated an informant was trying to infiltrate Peltier's defense effort.

Understand that, if infiltration was achieved, this information could have a potentially explosive impact on the Peltier case.

It would provide grounds for a new trial or even an outright reversal.

Well, at the same time, a similar request was made to the FBI Field Office in Manhattan (New York, New York). And guess what?

To this day, that office alleges that its file on Leonard Peltier is “missing”.

What generally isn’t known is that Freeh was an FBI Special Agent in the New York City field office during the 1970s.

He also became a federal prosecutor and even a judge in New York prior to becoming the director of the FBI.

(Note: If you want to know what Freeh is up to these days, see

What happened to that file? I don’t know.

All I know is I’m not a big believer in coincidence — in particular as regards the Peltier case.

And why is it that 30-plus years after the events in question, the FBI still resists releasing the over 100,000 documents they have on file regarding the Peltier case?

What are these folks afraid of?

Clearly, they have something to hide. I mean, that’s the only conclusion I can come to.

NAD: Some folks think it was the unprecedented FBI march on the White House (December 15, 2000) that prevented Clinton from granting clemency to Peltier.

Yeah, I know, but in the scheme of things, the agents who marched that day had no real political clout.

I mean, Clinton was leaving office; he wasn’t running for re-election.

There’d be no political fallout if he ignored either or both sides on the clemency issue. So I think folks have given the march far too much weight.

The march wasn’t at all necessary, either — to pressure Clinton, I mean — because Freeh had already applied (and formally) plenty of pressure.

Freeh vehemently opposed Peltier’s release.

He even admitted in his autobiography that he had made it official Bureau policy, a top priority, to interfere with Peltier’s petition for clemency.

He did anything and everything he could to ensure that Peltier remained in prison.

Such things don’t happen in Washington, you know?

A march like that ... It just isn’t done.

More than that, it’s prohibited. The reaction inside the Beltway... nobody ever reported on that, but folks were generally shocked by what these agents did.

Any of the active duty agents who participated in that march knowingly engaged in politically motivated conduct in direct violation of the FBI’s manuals on administrative and investigative policy.

In fact, the agents’ behavior was grounds for disciplinary action but, as far as anyone knows, none was taken. In particular in light of the ongoing feud between Freeh and Bill Clinton, or even between Reno and Freeh, one has to ask why not?

Here’s something I know for certain: The FBI is notorious for media manipulation as regards the Peltier case ... all cases against AIM members, in fact.

A 1993 FBI memorandum shows that the FBI actually developed a media plan by which former and active agents made scurrilous claims in print and on radio and television programs throughout the United States with the intent of preventing Peltier’s release through an award of Executive Clemency:

I think the White House march was played out for the media, frankly — the same media that failed to report on the larger march five days earlier in support of Peltier.

(The march was held at United Nations headquarters in New York City.)

The FBI created a media event, got nighttime news coverage on every television network, and delivered the “package” to every American home.

Supposedly this was done for the purpose of influencing public opinion against Peltier’s release.

Of course, there was no call to action, so to speak, so this would have been and likely was completely ineffective. The Bureau’s spin doctors would have known that, too.

So why do it at all?

Well, it provided the rationale for Clinton’s handling of the clemency petition, didn’t it?

But, at the same time, it concealed what was really going on ... I mean, someone took a page out of J. Edgar Hoover’s book, if the rumors are true.

Hoover’s power over presidents? There’s been a lot of talk about Clinton bowing to threats from the FBI (Freeh) over his possible prosecution for this or that.

I think it’s just as plausible that Clinton put the deal on the table himself (he’s known for being the consummate deal maker), but all that aside ... The march may have been nothing more than one big smokescreen.

In the end, I think Clinton may have had the last laugh.

If you look at the guidelines followed by the Pardon Attorney’s Office at the DOJ, you’ll see that a president’s failure to act on a petition for clemency is viewed as concurrence with the Pardon Attorney’s recommendation regarding that petition.

If the Pardon Attorney recommends against clemency, the matter is dropped.

Case closed. I find it interesting that, according to correspondence Peltier supporters have received from the Bush White House, the Peltier petition for clemency is still pending.

Pretty slick.

Now Obama is coming into office and hope for Peltier is very much alive.

NAD: You have hope in Obama?

That he will have an open mind about Leonard Peltier? Why?

Well, stating the obvious, Obama is a person of color.

He’s experienced racism in this country — up close and personal. He’s not in denial about it, okay?

He’s even said publicly that the courts are not color blind.

It just seems likely that he’ll have a better grasp on some of the issues surrounding the Peltier case.

Obama also is a proponent of social justice and an activist in his own right.

That’s bound to give him some insights about the culture of activism, as well as personal knowledge of the tactics those in power can and often will use to resist change.

But Obama is a former constitutional law professor, too.

Leonard has never been able to get the U.S. Supreme Court to review his case.

Getting a constitutional law professor to take a look ... Maybe that’s the next best thing.

If Obama thoroughly reviews the Peltier case, he’ll come to the same conclusion that any number of excellent attorneys have — that Peltier was illegally imprisoned.

If he’s the honest man he claims to be, Obama shouldn’t be able to ignore the illegal extradition.

He shouldn’t be able to ignore that crucial aspects of Peltier’s trial were manipulated to favor the prosecution and, consequently, cause a conviction.

He shouldn’t be able to ignore the exonerating evidence — the ballistics evidence found in the FBI’s own documents — and the fact that this evidence was hidden from the defense team and, consequently, the jury.

The evidence proves that Leonard Peltier was not the shooter.


Even the prosecutors in this case have admitted that they “did not and cannot prove” that Peltier is guilty or even what part “he may have played” in the deaths of the agents.

The courts have acknowledged that Peltier’s constitutional rights have been violated again and again, but they haven’t remedied the situation.

As president, Obama has the power to do what the courts have failed to do. And if he’s truly above politics, as he claims, Obama will do the right thing. He’ll free Leonard Peltier.

But, you know, the Peltier case has always been about something far greater than just the one man. In like manner, my expectations for Obama go far beyond the Peltier case.

When a candidate or sitting president lets the word sovereignty cross his lips and seemingly understands the true meaning of the word ... when he also references Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution which establishes the Constitution and treaties (not excluding those made with the First Nations) as the supreme law of the land ...

That’s big. That creates a lot of hope for Indigenous Peoples.

Obama must understand, though, that empty apologies for the genocidal policies of the government will do absolutely no good.

If he’s going to fulfill the promises he has made to Indigenous Peoples, he must create real change. If Obama truly recognizes tribal sovereignty, he must ensure that the United States becomes a signatory to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

If Obama truly recognizes tribal sovereignty, he must ensure that the government’s treaty obligations are met.

He also should order that the heads of executive departments and federal agencies recognize tribal sovereignty and act accordingly in all their dealings with the First Nations.

And while he’s at it? Maybe Obama should get rid of the BIA.

The Department of the Interior, the BIA, the Indian Health Service ... lots of harm has been done to Indigenous Peoples through the years and together with the Department of the Army back in the day and the Department of Justice (in particular, the FBI) ever since, these are the agencies most responsible for the evildoing.

If Obama is for real, this must be a brand new day — one where the Indian Nations are brought fully to the table to discuss the important issues of our time, including but not limited to energy concerns and the environment.

If I could speak directly to the President-Elect, I’d remind him of this: That in the western United States, from the Texas-Mexico border in the south to the Canadian border to the north, lays a corridor of rich deposits ... oil, natural gas, uranium, precious metals ... even water ...

Some call this the NAFTA Superhighway. The establishment in Washington, DC, denies that such a highway exists.

Well, the government is being literal. Right? Figuratively speaking, it does exist and the tract cuts right through Indian Country.

If this fact doesn’t concern Obama, it should.

We all know what mega-corporations do when they want what they’re told they can’t have.

The land, sacred places, cultures, health and well-being of the First Nations are at grave risk.

There’s no denying that.

These are the very same conditions that helped to create the events on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the 70s ... except that, now, our need to end our dependence on foreign resources will serve to intensify the conflict that is surely to develop.

I look to Brother Black Eagle to be responsible for and protect The People.

Should he fail to do so, the result will be catastrophic.

(Note: Obama was adopted into the Crow Tribe in Montana in May 2008 by the Black Eagle family. He was given the name Awe Koota Bilxpaak Kooxshiiwiash or “One who helps people throughout the land.”)

NAD: Would you like to choose one of these to answer, elaborate on?

Are UFOs real?
Did we land on the moon in 1968?
Did Bush knock down the towers?
Was Paul Wellstone's death an accident?
The Oklahoma City bombing? Wasn't that just another U.S. government terrorist exercise? Or not.
Waco. We burned kids, right? You can see flames shooting out of the tanks. Or not.
Is Bigfoot real?
Is there a God?

... What makes you think that?


Most of these questions, except the last ... the government is present. Right?

Listen, I lived in Washington, DC, for most of my life.

I affectionately refer to D.C. as the land of smoke and mirrors.

I learned a long time ago that when it comes to the government nothing is ever how it seems.

God ... religion ... First, I don’t adhere to any religion per se.

That’s a man-made construct ... and I do mean man-made.

To exclude the feminine is to bring things out of balance.

Most religions are necessarily flawed for that very reason.

But to answer the question ... Yes, Creator is ... I don’t believe this; I know it. And I don’t think it. I sense it ... with all six senses.

NAD: What is your opinion of America, given what you know about America, about living in America [being involved with Native American issues], about dealing with the FBI — that middle class white America perhaps does not know?

I don’t think it’s a matter of the middle class not knowing.

What we’re dealing with is a diminished sense of responsibility and personal foibles related to fear or the perception that the work is just too hard.

These are the building blocks of the wall of denial that exists with things like the Peltier case.

Lots of folks seem to feel a responsibility for their own, but no one else.

Our struggles, ourselves ... it’s all connected.

And what’s the saying? “Rain doesn’t fall on the one roof alone.”

We are all responsible and part of our responsibility, I’ve always thought, is about always looking behind the curtain.

You know?

You can’t find the truth if you never look for it, right?

“I didn’t know” is no excuse.

But folks need to understand the truth, too.

The government’s actions against dissidents ... the FBI’s counterintelligence tactics ...

What must be understood is these agents believe they’re right to do what they did, what they DO ... They think they’re justified in breaking the law if democracy is preserved.

Have you listened to Dick Cheney, lately?

Did you know he sat on the Church Committee?

He didn’t like what went down back then and he’s apparently never gotten over it.


Folks continually want to make all of this stuff be about politics only — you know, left versus right — when it’s really about right versus wrong.

Like Malcolm X said, "You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or who says it."

I think many Americans close their eyes because once you know the truth, you know, you may not be able to turn your back on what you know.

What then?

Fighting for what’s right just may cost you something, right?

Hey, having a passion for doing the right thing is a good thing. Embrace it. But remember that you don’t own it until it costs you.

And by that I mean that all anyone has to do is stand up.

Most of the time, all that’s going to cost you is five minutes of your time — the amount of time it takes to write a letter, send an e-mail, or have a conversation with someone.

And understand that ... well, sometimes you just may have to give more, but don’t concern yourself over much with that. It is what it is.

Americans often expect things to be easy, too.

That’s unrealistic. No change comes about without struggle and it’s not called “struggle” for nothing.

We tend to fear failure, as well, and whenever folks take on issues, try to create change ... It’s really easy to get discouraged if things don’t go our way.

Concentrating on the value and truth of the work itself helps. It’s also important to accept that barriers, detours happen.

But one mustn’t grieve over the failures. Or confuse “acceptance” with “surrender”.

Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, make the necessary adjustments, and carry on. Don’t ever give up.

NAD: What is happening now in the efforts to free Leonard Peltier?


(1) A transfer — The Bureau of Prisons (BOP) has changed the mission of the penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, where Leonard is currently imprisoned.

He’ll be transferred soon. What a lot of folks don’t know ... well, there’s a couple of things.

First, BOP is supposed to keep prisoners within a 500-mile radius of their homes so that prisoners can maintain their ties to their families and communities.

That’s not something the government has ever done in Leonard’s case, though, and each time Leonard is moved, his family members have to pick up and resume their lives elsewhere or else travel a greater distance to visit with Leonard.

This creates an extreme hardship on folks with very limited means. It also means that Leonard doesn’t have many opportunities for contact visits with his family members anymore.

Individual “removal” isn’t a new government policy, though. The federal government has routinely removed prominent Indian prisoners from their communities — like Geronimo, for example — and the intent has always been to prevent such individuals from “stirring up the Indians”.

There is a very clear political motive for keeping Leonard as far way from home as possible. And, frankly, this is a situation where racism rears its ugly head, too.

Also, over these many years, Leonard has been a model prisoner. This has led the BOP to greatly reduce his security rating. Based on his current security rating, he shouldn’t even be in a maximum security prison anymore.

So the new Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee is asking for public support to get Leonard transferred to a low-or medium-security institution closer to North Dakota.

I also understand that the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians in North Dakota (Leonard’s Nation) has now asked the Bureau of Prisons to release Leonard to their custody.

To my way of thinking, this transfer has now become an issue of tribal sovereignty. It’ll be interesting to see how it all plays out.

(2) Parole — We’ve known for a long time that the U.S. Parole Commission has far exceeded its congressionally mandated guidelines in denying parole to Peltier. There’s a good argument for the claim that Peltier should have been released over a decade ago.

The Parole Commission gets around that claim by relying on its discretionary powers as regards prisoners with the highest security classification. As I mentioned, though, Leonard’s security rating has been greatly reduced. The Parole Commission’s argument just doesn’t wash anymore.

At issue now, too, is the fact that the Parole Commission is supposed to automatically parole someone who has served 30 years of a life sentence.

This is mandatory, by the way, not a matter for discretion. Under the guidelines that existed when Leonard was sentenced — the only guidelines that matter — the parole authorities also are supposed to combine multiple sentences, not treat them as separate as the Parole Commission has done in Peltier’s case.

The bottom line here is that, at the latest, Leonard should have been released three years ago.

The Parole Commission has been making things up as they go along, ignoring the law for years. Leonard will have a full parole hearing in 2009. Folks need to watch this one very closely and make a BIG noise if Leonard isn’t released.

"It’s still like a Third World country.

People are starving.

The winter weather has been brutal this year.

People are freezing to death.
You don’t hear about it outside of Indian Country, though, do you?"

NAD: To your knowledge, how has life changed or stayed the same on the Pine Ridge Reservation since 1975, when the firefight at the Jumping Bull place happened?

It’s still like a Third World country.

People are starving.

The winter weather has been brutal this year.

People are freezing to death.

You don’t hear about it outside of Indian Country, though, do you?


Nothing new in that.

Nobody pays attention to genocide unless it’s happening in a foreign country.

All those celebs that work against genocide in Dafur, or to end world poverty, or to address the AIDS crisis in Africa ... I admire their work, but I can’t help but marvel at their inaction when it comes to conditions right here in their own backyard.

NAD: What else would you like to add? What else should I have asked?

How folks can help.

If people want to get involved with freeing Leonard, and I strongly encourage active participation, they can visit the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee at

The Committee was created in 2008 by Peltier family members and is headquartered in Fargo, ND. Folks also can visit Friends of Peltier at

As I indicated, blizzard conditions and subzero temperatures have created a crisis on the reservations in South Dakota. Donations are desperately needed to meet the demand for heaters, heating oil, wood, etc. Please do what you can. Send a check or money order to:

Link Center Foundation
P.O. Box 576
Firestone, CO 80520-0576

Make your check or money order payable to the Link Center Foundation Utility and Heating Fund.

You also can donate securely online at

Mvto. (Thank you.)


Friends of Peltier is an independent coalition that supports freedom for Leonard Peltier.



CARL OLSEN: "This bud's for you"

Carl Olsen

I’ve never served in the military,
but almost went to prison for resisting the draft.
I showed up at the induction center with a Bible
and said my religion does not allow me to kill people.

Marijuana is my sacrament.
God made it, wicked governments hate it.

Carl Olsen, at left

I spent two years in prison,
from 1984 to 1986,
for unloading a boat
with 20 tons of marijuana on board.

Carl Olsen

Legalization of drugs would seriously disrupt
the flow of money from illegal markets to legal ones,
and most of the financial industry
has already tooled up for a lengthy drug war
and the illegal profits that generates.
Just think of Al Capone and the bootlegging industry.

If you want war, you keep them in the dark
by keeping them drunk all the time.
Alcohol promotes violence.
Marijuana promotes peace.

David Nissenbaum, left, smokes a marijuana cigarette
while he and Carl E. Olsen take
a break in their trial for pot smuggling.
A baliff calls them back to court.
Portland, Maine, Press Herald, Thursday, December 9, 1982, Page 1

Carl Olsen and Jim Cook outside the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals.

New American Dream Interview

CARL OLSEN, 57, lives in Des Moines.

For about three decades he has been working for reform of United States marijuana laws.

He is a web developer for the ACLU, the Iowa Democratic Party for the Third Congressional District, and a couple neighborhood associations in his spare time, and he also works at a Des Moines area university as a web developer.

NAD: Carl, hello, welcome.

Where were you born?

Where did you go to school?

Were you ever in the military?

You have been dealing with this marijuana thing for a long time.

Has it been worth it?


I was born in Marinette, Wisconsin. I went to school in Des Moines, Iowa.

I’ve never served in the military, but almost went to prison for resisting the draft.

I showed up at the induction center with a Bible and said my religion does not allow me to kill people.

Marijuana is my sacrament.

God made it, wicked governments hate it.

NAD: Can you briefly summarize your marijuana case?

What is it about?

Religious use of marijuana?

Medical? Drug stamp?

How long has it been going on?

Are you facing charges?

Where does it stand now? Any end in sight?

I have four marijuana cases, three in federal court and one state court.

One is about my religious use of marijuana, and that one has been filed in the U.S. Supreme Court last December.

In January, the U.S. Supreme Court requested a response from the U.S. Attorney General and that response is due on April 1, 2009.

The other three are related to medical use.

Federal courts generally recognize that religious use cannot be denied where medical use is allowed, so I'm establishing that medical use is recognized under both state and federal law.

Both federal and state law say that marijuana has no accepted medical use in treatment in the United States because it actually had no recognized medical use when those laws were written.

What may have been true in 1970 when those laws were enacted is no longer true.

Thirteen States in the United States have accepted the medical use of marijuana since 1996 and the times they are a changin’.

Both state and federal law are now outdated and must be amended according to their own plain language.

NAD: Why is your case important in regard to the larger, national drug law issue?

The Obama Administration is saying it will not enforce federal drug law against medical marijuana users in states that have enacted medical marijuana laws.

That is a dumb thing to say when the language of the federal drug law actual gives the states the authority to determine accepted medical use.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is in violation of federal law.

President Obama needs to tell the DEA it’s illegal to arrest medical patients instead of telling them to stop enforcing federal law.

The federal drug law requires the DEA to amend the listing of marijuana in the federal drug law, and that's what they should do.

The law is not broken, it's not being enforced as it was written.

Marijuana automatically gets reclassified when states enact medical marijuana laws.

It's so simple, a genius like Obama can't see it (or worse, doesn't want to see it).

NAD: Is the drug war still ongoing?

What was that all about anyway?

Are there still casualties?

Didn't that all kind of start in the '80s, about the same time as the Iowa farm crisis?

Would it be reaching to take a stab and say the drug war was cover for the farm crisis?

Is there any end in sight to the war?

The drug war is just another one of the phony crises that the government invents to keep our eyes off the corporate scoundrels who are stealing our money.

Take pharmaceutical companies for example, they don’t want you growing medicine in your back yard.

What would that do to corporate profits?

In fact, what would the financial system do without all that illegal drug money flowing through it?

Legalization of drugs would seriously disrupt the flow of money from illegal markets to legal ones, and most of the financial industry has already tooled up for a lengthy drug war and the illegal profits that generates.

Just think of Al Capone and the bootlegging industry.

Think of people like Joe Kennedy, father of President John Kennedy, who was a bootlegger.

NAD: This Bud's For You.

How does all that tie in with the ol' drug war?

Ask Cindy McCain.

She’s a big whig for one of the largest Anheuser-Busch beer distributors in the United States.

Again, what’s marijuana going to do to the stock portfolio?

If you want peace, you get everyone high on marijuana.

If you want war, you keep them in the dark by keeping them drunk all the time.

Alcohol promotes violence. Marijuana promotes peace.

NAD: Have you ever been to prison? If so, can you talk about your experience? If not, then great.

I spent two years in prison, from 1984 to 1986, for unloading a boat with 20 tons of marijuana on board.

My job in prison was running the prison law library.

I learned about the federal medical marijuana hearings and joined in.

Before I went to prison, I participated in a study on cognitive function at UCLA which was published in Science Magazine, so I used that that study as grounds for joining the DEA administrative hearings.

The result of those hearings was a ruling by the judge that marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.

NAD: What else would you like to add? What else should I have asked?

Your questions are perfect. Thanks!

NAD: Please insert a link here to something you would like linked to, with a brief tag re: where that link goes:

My state and federal claims for medical marijuana can be found at –
My federal religious claim for marijuana can be found at –

[First published March 3, 2009]


The U.S. Supreme Court denied my petition for writ of certiorari on my religious claim on May 4, 2009.

I've been working on this for about 30 years, so the net result is that the courts are telling me I have to get the laws changed by either: (1) repealing marijuana prohibition; or (2) getting an exemption like the Iowa and federal exemption for the sacramental use of peyote by the Native American Church. In both cases, the Iowa Legislature and Congress, have delegated their authority to modify the drug laws to administrative agencies.

I filed a petition for an exemption for my sacramental use of marijuana with the DEA in 1983 and it was rejected. I've never filed one with the Iowa Board of Pharmacy, so I'm in the process of doing that now.

There are a couple of keys to getting exemptions.

One is state law, and the other is being able to show that other people are being exempted. For example, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a sacramental claim for peyote in 1990 because the state where the Native American Church was claiming the exemption, Oregon, did not have a state law exempting the sacramental use of peyote by the Native American Church.

Oregon did not allow anyone to use peyote, so the the U.S. Supreme Court held that was sufficient to deny a religious claim. Obviously, some states allow people to grow and distribute marijuana for medical purposes, so a religious claim for marijuana in those states should succeed. Iowa seems to have a medical exception for marijuana, but it's difficult to understand and it hasn't been used to actually allow anyone to use marijuana.

I have a case pending against the Iowa Board of Pharmacy complaining that the Iowa law says marijuana has accepted medical use but no one is being allowed to use it, creating a violation of due process. I won the first round in Polk County District Court on April 21, 2009, but the court ordered the Iowa Board of Pharmacy to reconsider my petition.

On June 1, 2009, the Iowa Board of Pharmacy simply rejected the petition again without allowing me to speak or add anything to the record. We are waiting for a written ruling from the Iowa Board of Pharmacy and we'll be taking them back to court again for violating the April 21, 2009 order of the court.



DAVID RAY GRIFFIN: 9/11 Was An Inside Job

NAD: What happened to Kucinich, Nader, McKinney, Paul
— and why did they not have a chance?


That’s too obvious to answer.

David Ray Griffin

New American Dream Interview

DAVID RAY GRIFFIN, 69, lives in California in the Santa Barbara area.

He grew up in Oregon.

He is a retired professor of philosophy of religion and theology at Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA.

The author of over thirty books, he has recently published seven books on the subject of the Sept. 11 attacks:

The New Pearl Harbor
The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions,
Christian Faith and the Truth behind 9/11
9/11 and the American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out (edited with Peter Dale Scott)
Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory
9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press
The New Pearl Harbor Revisited

In these books, he provides multiple lines of evidence pointing to the falsity of the official account of 9/11.


The New American Dream Trivia Question

To win a round button that says, "Bush Is Lying About What He Knew," be the first one to correctly answer the following.

David Ray Griffin would rather be ....

a. Dressed in camouflage and orange, grilling venison burgers in his backyard in Mill City
Studying controlled demolition science at MIT
Fishing for bluegills in an Iowa farm pond
. Meeting Karl Rove in the alley behind Zodo's Bowling & Beyond
Pope For A Day
f. Author of the wildly popular "Chicken Soup For Dummies: Helping Americans Understand America" series, available in your checkout lane.


"... once the Bush-Cheney administration is out of office,
so that people will be less fearful of retaliation
and all the government agencies are under new heads,
there will at least be a chance.

David, hello, thank you for taking the time for this.

Where did you grow up?


Although I was born in eastern Washington, near Grand Coulee (where my father worked on the dam), I grew up in Hermiston, Oregon.

NAD: What was on the list of activities under your senior picture in the yearbook?


Tennis team, band, honor society, thespians, director of the dance band, director of the pep band.

NAD: What did you start out wanting to be?


Trumpet player.

NAD: Is there still time?


No, and I changed my mind (during my first year of college), anyway.

By the time I finished my BA and MA, I had decided what I wanted to be: a philosophical theologian.

NAD: Did you ever want to just get a job on one of those ocean ships at Coos Bay and just go?


No, although I love being BY the ocean, I don’t like being ON it.

NAD: Did the forest, the ocean, the nature of Oregon have anything to do with your budding interest in God and religion? Just a thought.


No, on the eastern side of the state, where I grew up, there was little green. I didn’t get to the green side of the state until I went to college (in Eugene, Oregon), and at that time I didn’t find the green to be worth the price (almost constant rain).

Indeed, one morning I woke up thinking about doing a correlation on the amount of atheism on college campuses and the annual rainfall.

NAD: Would you like to choose one of these to answer, elaborate on?

We don't ask this to make fun. We ask because we really seek the answers.

Are UFOs real?

Of course there are lots of flying objects that have been unidentified. As to what people usually mean when they say UFOs, the phenomena are extremely puzzling. I tried at one time to find a theory that would take account of all the well-attested data but found that I couldn’t.

Did we land on the moon in 1968?

You and I didn’t, but some other guys did (I assume).

Did Bush knock down the towers?

Whether Bush himself was behind it at that time, I don’t know, but certainly Cheney and other people in the Bush administration were.

Was Paul Wellstone's death an accident?

I strongly doubt it (see my review of The Assassination of an American Senator, by James Fetzer and Four Arrows, on

The Oklahoma City bombing? Wasn't that just another U.S. government terrorist exercise? Or not.

Although I haven’t studied the evidence sufficiently to make a very strong statement, what I have read thus far has led me to believe that the official story is a lie.

Waco. We burned kids, right? You can see flames shooting out of the tanks. Or not.

I’ve studied that incident even less, so don’t feel qualified to say.

Is Bigfoot real?

Yes, he won several gold medals in the swimming races during the recent Olympic Games in China.

Is there a God?

Not under the normal definition, according to which the word “God” refers a being who can interrupt the world’s normal causal processes (see my books on the problem of evil and on the relation between science and religion).

But I have provided several reasons to believe in the reality of a divine reality that is more worthy, in my opinion, of our reverence and worship.

(The answer to the trivia question above is that I would rather — if only we could get the truth about 9/11 exposed — be writing a book called: Why Gawd Does Not Exist—but God Does.)

... What makes you think that?

On why not the traditional God (“Gawd”), see God, Power, and Evil: A Process Theodicy.

On why the non-traditional God of process philosophy and theology, see Reenchantment without Supernaturalism: A Process Philosophy of Religion.

NAD: Do you have hope in Obama?



NAD: What happened to Kucinich, Nader, McKinney, Paul — and why did they not have a chance?


That’s too obvious to answer.

NAD: Who decided our candidates would be Obama and McCain anyway?


Answering that would be beyond my pay grade.

NAD: Please tell us more about yourself, the things you have done, what you would like to do, what you did today. What do you eat, what do you drive, what do you drink.


I have mainly taught (from 1968 to 2004), run centers (the Center for Process Studies [in Claremont] and the Center for a Postmodern World [in Santa Barbara), and written books and articles.

What I did today is answered below.

I am a virtual vegetarian. Today was heavy on the “virtual” — I had French toast, Manhattan clam chowder, cheese and bread.

I drive a Honda Insight (53 mpg).

Water, tea, and Zin.

NAD: What color is your toothbrush? [Without going to look.] Automatic or manual?


I have six, various colors, all manual.

NAD: Pajamas or sweatpants?


If you mean what I sleep in, shorts.

NAD: Does your favorite coffee cup have words on it?


I don’t drink coffee, only tea.

What are they? I have multiple tea cups, which I love with equal amounts of affections — some plain, some with writing.

NAD: What did you absolutely have to get done by noon today?


Nothing, absolutely. But what I wanted to do, and did, was to incorporate dozens of helpful suggestions from one my readers for Chapter 5 of my book on NIST’s WTC report — a chapter dealing with NIST’s ignoring of testimonial evidence for explosions in WTC 7 (which included its distortion of Barry Jennings’ testimony).

NAD: How about by Christmas 2009?


Nothing. But what I would like to do is write congratulatory letters to all the members of the 9/11 truth movement who helped the truth finally get publicly exposed and accepted.

NAD: Do you think Bush did it, or do you just think we don't have the answers?


Already answered.

NAD: Do you think we are getting closer to closure on this, or is it all just drifting away from us, like a red beach ball off the Newport coast?


I don’t know, but I believe that, once the Bush-Cheney administration is out of office, so that people will be less fearful of retaliation and all the government agencies are under new heads, there will at least be a chance.

As Commerce Secretary, for example, Bill Richardson may be open to the evidence that NIST wrote its WTC reports as a political, not a scientific, agency (which is the book I’m currently working on).

A hopeful sign is the emergence of various new organizations with petitions for members to sign: Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth, Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth, Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth, and Scientists and Mathematicians for 9/11 Truth.

NAD: What else should I have asked?


What’s the title of your present book in progress?

"The Mysterious Collapse of WTC 7: Why NIST’s Final 9/11 Report is Unscientific and False."

What is the title of your most recent article?

“Is Osama bin Laden Dead? If so, How Does He Keep Sending Messages? And Why Do We Hunt Him?”

NAD: Thank you.

You’e welcome. David

[First published Feb. 10, 2009]


JACK BLOOD — revolutionary on the radio: be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid


"I call what O’Bomba is selling,
'The Mendacity of Hope.' "



Cheney was in the loop for sure.

So was Poppy.

Maybe Marvin too.



Clinton’s role in the 1993 WTC Bombings,
the OKC Bombings, Waco,
and TWA 800 needs to be questioned!



We ALL have a voice!

I am just an old punk rocker, turned revolutionary.

New American Dream Interview

JACK BLOOD, 45, lives in Austin, Texas.

For fourteen years — he has been a radio talk show host.

His program was recently pulled from the GCN network.

The reason given by GCN was ...

"They disapproved of one of my advertisers – Neo Cons Gone Wild — an animated satire of our political establishment – which they ( the GCN Sales staff) initially suggested to me.

"So I was pulled for airing an ad they contracted.

"It was likely for “personal” reasons as I had one of the biggest shows on GCN.

"More affiliates – and listeners than most.

"Biggest guests etc … I think that it was for the best, though.

"I am excited to be on where I can broadcast uncensored for the first time in my career.

"The FU stands for Freedom Underground.

"We are up and running now, and the archives are free for all.

"Blood is going to re-launch from the WFU network."


The New American Dream Trivia Question

To win a used T-shirt from Mike Palecek's book tour of 2007-2008, be the first one to correctly answer the following.
[The shirts are large, black or white, with a variety of anti-Bush messages, probably washed.]

You probably don't know that Jack Blood:

a. Plays the violin

b. Has a Go Sooners bumper sticker on his black SUV

c. Makes awesome vegetarian chili

d. Was a high school soccer goalie

Is the reigning spades champion of D-block in the Travis County Jail.

f. Once beat Alex Jones in one-on-one basketball, 20-zip.


NAD: Jack, hello, welcome.

Are your parents Mr. and Mrs. Blood?


No that was my Great, Great Grandparent’s name. I Re-adopted it as they only had girls.

I only know of two other Jack Bloods, so I think it was a good choice.

My real name is Samuel Clemens.

NAD: Where are you from?


I was born in Seattle. But I have lived in LA, NY, Chicago, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Orleans, Phoenix etc..

Radio is a transitory existence.

NAD: In five lines or less, how did you find your way to the chair behind the microphone?


Well the chair has a homing device and I just follow the Beeps….

I was a Musician for most of the 80’s and 90’s.

One day while living in Providence Rhode Island, I saw an ad for radio producers in the local newspaper.

I had some experience having been a correspondent for KCMU in Seattle in 1983 … I not only got the job, but within two years I was running two 50,000 watt stations making a six figure salary.

I gave myself a radio show, FUZZBOX, in 1995 which was mostly commentary on Music and Culture.

In early 2001 (after Bush stole the election) DEADLINE LIVE was born.

The rest is history ….

NAD: Is that where you feel most comfortable?


Not really, I enjoy writing the most.

I am in the final phase of my radio career as we speak.

To read my crazy writing, go to

I am also working on an internet TV show, and putting together a worldwide activist group called PROJECT 1000. Look for that in March 2009.


"Stay BOLD America!"


NAD: Do you find hope in Obama?


I don’t go on “Hope” – I call what O’Bomba is selling, “The Mendacity of Hope”.

He is surrounded by Trilateral Commission Ghouls, and has already appointed people who were involved in torture, and PNAC members to his Administration.

I expect much of the same with O’Bomba. It IS Bush’s third term after all. I supported Ron Paul, and then Cynthia McKinney for Prez.

NAD: Did you find hope in Clinton?


Like a sucker I voted for Bubba in 1992. (after 12 years of Bush Reagan we were all desperate!)

Later I found out that he was Poppy Bush’s business partner, and likely the illegitimate son of Winthrop Rockefeller.

I did some research on the Rhodes scholarship and Oxford, which introduced me to “Fabian Socialism”.

Clinton’s role in the 1993 WTC Bombings, the OKC Bombings, Waco, and TWA 800 needs to be questioned!

His new endeavor is CGI, The Clinton Global Initiative.

I suggest your readers check that out.

Every major elite power broker and controller is a member … This thing puts the Bilderberg Group to shame.

NAD: Would you like to choose one of these to answer, elaborate on?

We don't ask this to make fun. We ask because we really seek the answers.

Are UFOs real?

Unidentified Flying objects are real. However I see no REAL evidence that they are being commanded by creatures from space. Keep in mind that a “threat from space” will unify the world, and could birth Global Governance.

Project Bluebird is studying just that (How to fake first contact).

Reagan was known to discuss this “solution” to an alien threat.

The odds for extraterrestrial intelligent life are really much longer than people want to admit.

That a technologically inclined being could exist elsewhere, and that they could travel here.
Not impossible, but improbable.

It could be that the human species is nothing more than a freak accident.
I just want to see the proof, if I am wrong I will stand corrected.

Did we land on the moon in 1968?

After researching this for many years … I believe we did. I can see why folks think we didn’t though.

Did Bush knock down the towers?

No – I believe he was largely out of the loop on this. The look on his face when Andy Card whispered in his ear says it all.

It was a black op that was above his pay grade.

Cheney was in the loop for sure.

So was Poppy.

Maybe Marvin too.

Was Paul Wellstone's death an accident?

Absolutely NOT!

Wellstone was powerful enough to expose the USA Patriot act.

He would’ve been a BIG problem for Jr Bush.

I think Dr Jim Fetzer did a pretty solid investigation on this.

Is Bigfoot real?

NO evidence.

Is there a God?

I really don’t know. Unlike many, I have never talked to him or seen him (or her).

If there is a “god” it isn’t a dude in white robes in the sky.

The lore comes largely from Sun Worship in ancient civilizations I would say.

However I do have faith that there is something that is bigger than us.
This is likely Waaaaay beyond our understanding as humans.

Science is getting kinda close though.

... What makes you think that?

My lifelong search for “god”, my study of every major religion, and my own scientific research

NAD: What's it like to have a radio show, a large audience, a forum, a voice?


We ALL have a voice!

Mine is a bit louder than some.

The best thing for me is getting to grill people like Ollie North, Tim Russert (r.i.p.), Generals, and Politicians etc …

I just feel it’s my responsibility as an American to “Search and Repair” as I call it.

I get to help people, and I believe that I have been effective.

I have always said, that if I can reach just one person, I think it’s all been worth it.

That one person could be the next great patriot, ya never know.

But – I tell the Truth, and have a Big mouth.

I am soooo politically incorrect that I have scared off most of my audience over the years.

I can still reach a ton of people though with the help of people like you Mike. Thanks for that.

NAD: Is the daily show a grind? Do you ever find it hard to find things to talk about?


Yes. It’s really hard work, to be honest.

It takes a lot of time because I pride myself on being up to speed on current events. I also produce and engineer the show by myself.

Finding things to talk about is pretty easy.

Having the balls to say what needs to be said is tough for us all.

There are repercussions for telling it like it is.

My family has made a lot of sacrifices to back me in doing this.

Freedom is my reward!

NAD: Would you ever like to take a break from reading, and just not know what's going on for a while?


LOL … yes! We all need a break from time to time.

So I take a break here and there, and make sure that I have time to spend with my family.

I have a five-year-old boy that keeps me grounded.

But the problems facing the world, and this country, are too great to not stay focused on the job at hand.

I have had my fun … I have dedicated the rest of my life to the cause of Freedom.

NAD: Please tell us more about yourself, the things you have done, what you would like to do, what you did today.

In other words, what is your current passion? What did you absolutely have to get done by noon today?

How about by Christmas 2010?


... and then when they go to bed I work until about 4 A.M.



My Life is an open book, I am just an old punk rocker, turned revolutionary.

In many ways that is compatible. I have always questioned authority, and always tried to stay out of the “system”.

For instance, I have never had a credit card.

I have not had a driver’s license for at least ten years.

The culture we live in is driven by how ingrained we are into the established status quo. I reject this. Its up to us to change that.

My mantra is, “Decentralize and Repeal.”

My day’s are pretty boring really, very routine.

I wake up, answer mail, check all the news sites, and design that day’s radio broadcast.

I spend the evenings with my family (I work at home), and then when they go to bed I work until about 4 A.M.

Anyway, I know people are curious, but this isn’t about us …

This is about what kind of nation we will bequeath to our children.

We are in the middle of a revolution!

The end of the beginning has arrived.

So I am working with others to strategize what the next phase of the revolution will be, and how we can be successful in that endeavor.

Christmas 2010?

Hopefully we won’t be in a World War. I know that many, really good people are running for Office, and I hope to help support them.

As I already mentioned, I am ramping up a world wide activist group (PROJECT 1000) Which I hope to have running smoothly by this time.

NAD: What caused the financial crisis?

Did it have anything at all to do with spending millions of dollars a day on war? Is it Karma?

Is it someone in a room somewhere waving a magic wand?

Is it too complicated to understand?


I think that its pretty easy to understand once you get out of the groupthink, and propaganda of the Lame Stream Media.

I wrote about this when it hit us hard last September.


Next I wrote: The Royal bailout Bluff - and the lemmings that Jump off it you can read that here:


Yes, spending trillions on war was not helpful.

Borrowing money for everything under the sun, fiat currency, Fractional reserve lending …. But the “Financial 911” was, like the other 911, engineered to bring about more centralization, and legislation to bring about more control domestically, and to merge the USA into global parody.

Obama, Brzezinski, Kissinger, Scowcroft … have all talked about this.

We in the USA have had it too good for too long!

We must reset the world order to level the playing field (make room for the China’s of the world) and the financial crisis was necessary to do that.

Also, the inflation and deflation of the economic bubble has been strategically used for the last 100 + years to capture REAL wealth from the people.

It’s not enough that they tax us to death, they want it all.

So I agree with Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad) The failure was built into the system.

Part of the Treasury Dept’s new “blueprint” is consolidation of financial institutions. (Just as 911 was about consolidation of the intelligence community.)

Already, local credit unions in Austin have gone belly up.

This is substantial because local independent (of the Bank of International Settlements and the Federal Reserve) banking institutions that keep our money in our own communities, were a threat to centralized power.

It’s called “Cost Benefit Analysis”.

The Matrix Moles and Neo-Pharaohs as I call them, make sure that they benefit on multiple levels before starting an operation.

Cui Bono is always the question I ask … Who Benefits? How did Buffet, Soros, and Rothschild get out of the markets just in time?

Watch the Jimmy Stuart film, Its a Wonderful Life. Keep in mind that art does, many times ... imitate life.

It is exciting entering into 2009 because a real effort is being mounted to expose this, and to repeal the Fed Charter. End the FED! I predict that this movement will be huge this year!

And we need it.

True Free Market Capitalism has been replaced first with “Cartel Capitalism” and now with National Socialism. While we need to keep in mind that no system is perfect, ala … There is NO Utopia …

The Free Market gives “We the People” a chance to have our say.

The biggest problem has been that the people have grown, or been socially engineered to be lazy, and confused about matters of finance.

If we get another crack at this we will need to learn how to rise up and vote with our dollars (while we still have them), and we will need to empower ourselves with boycotts and strikes.

The future is up to us.

NAD: What else would you like to add? What else should we have asked?


Well I want to thank you again for the opportunity to speak to your readers, and encourage them to tune into and participate in our debates at

We are REALLY gonna need everyone going forward.

Stay BOLD America!!!!

More Jack Blood:

Jack Blood Interviews Steve Alten

Jack Blood at Ron Paul fundraiser

Jack Blood interview

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Answer to the NAD Trivia Question:

Ta - Da!!!!

Answer is: a. c. and f!)!

[Interview first published February 2009]

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